Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This is my post for the Sunday section of the No Impact week guide. The following post will be numbered according to the numbers on the guide.

1. List the stuff you "need" to buy this week:
-Frozen Yogurt (Yum)
-Sour Patch Kids

After deleting the items that I didn't need, the following list remained:
-Gas (but not as much as normal)
-Gum (What can I say, gum-chewing is a habit)

2. Collect your trash throughout the day
(More will come of this on Monday)

3. Instead of shopping for food or clothes this week, I will spend time with my friend Daniel almost every day. Even though his house is far away, I'm going to suggest a central location to bike to and meet each other. This way, neither of us will waste gas and we will also get exercise. I'm not going to spend any money on fast food or nonessentials either.

4. The hardest part about decreased purchasing is resisting the urge to buy things that you are craving. As an example, every day I drive by Yoforia on the way home from school. The yogurt that one can purchase at Yoforia is simply amazing and I crave it more frequently than I crave anything else. This presents a problem because when I am craving delicious frozen yogurt, I lack the willpower to stop myself from purchasing some at Yoforia. If I really want to decrease my spending effectively, then I need to cut Yoforia out of my budget.
Another hard part about decreasing purchases is stopping oneself from buying things that don't seem like a lot of money. I have fallen into this trap many times, buying a bottle of water or pack of gum every day simply because they cost around a dollar. But these purchases can quickly add up. By the end of the week I spend around fifteen dollars on things that I bought on a whim because they were cheap. If I really want to decrease my spending, I need to cut these small purchases out of my budget and plan accordingly.

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